Top 10 Peppermint Tea Benefits for Health and Beauty

Peppermint tea benefits

Are you extremely tired after a hectic day? Sip into a cup of peppermint tea and you’ll get a refreshing and exotic feeling. Peppermint tea benefits your health in multiple ways. It comprises of antioxidative and calmative properties which release the stress you may be having.

It has a beautiful aroma and leaves you with an invigorating taste. Peppermint tea can help you in weight loss, heartburns, disturbed sleep and rejuvenate your skin. It can also boost your immunity, enhance your metabolism and reduce excess acidity problems.

Peppermint tea hardly comes with any side effects. So, you can have a cup of it at any part of the day, whether it’s early in the morning or just before going to bed. Roll down your cursor to see how peppermint tea benefits you and rejuvenates your life.

Health benefits of peppermint tea

Peppermint is a kind of mint herb that originates from Asia and Europe. Over the centuries, peppermint is used as medicines and flavoring agents too. Peppermint is an essential ingredient in various contemporary products like teas, candies, toothpaste, and more.

Around the world, peppermint tea is a favorite beverage for many. They drink this tea not only for its invigorating and flavored taste but also the multiple health benefits peppermint tea provides.

However, the research on peppermint tea is limited. But there are several studies on peppermint oil and alternative components of peppermint leaves like menthol, mentioned, and limonene. Here you’ll also see how to make a cup of fresh peppermint tea at home. But first, let’s see what the perks of peppermint tea are on your health.

Fresher breath

Peppermint is very popular as a flavoring agent due to its pleasant taste and smell. For this, peppermint gives you a fresh and clean feeling whenever you consume it. Regularly drinking a cup of peppermint tea gives fresher breath and fights off the bacteria in the mouth. Thus, eradicating foul breath or bad odor.  The antibacterial properties in peppermint reduces bacteria growth that can cause gum infections or plaque.

Relief from tension headaches

Peppermint tea benefits migraine pains. If you have severe headaches, try drinking a cup of peppermint tea. The menthol it contains will relieve you and alleviate the pain.

You can even try using peppermint oil. Simply apply it with the tip of your fingers to your temples and the middle of your forehead. However, be careful not to touch your eyes or eyelids. This application of peppermint oil will ease out the pain and make you feel relaxed. A study claimed that, the topical application of peppermint oil and drinking peppermint tea benefits migraine pains.

Relieve Clogged Sinuses

Peppermint contains properties like antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. These properties in peppermint helps to reduce clogged sinuses you may get through-common colds, allergies or infections.

Peppermint contains menthol which is the most active compound in it. The menthol content in peppermint improves airflow in the nasal cavity and helps you breathe easily. You can also try taking steam of peppermint tea, to ease out your blocked nasal cavity.

Further, you can even try drinking warm peppermint tea to improve sinus congestions and reduce the uneasiness you are facing. Studies have proven peppermint tea to show visible effects on clogged sinuses.

Relieve Menstrual Cramps

Peppermint tea also plays an essential role in muscle relaxation. So, it is evident that it will reduce menstrual spasms too. In a few cases, women having period pains consumed peppermint extract capsules. The extract capsules were as good as any other drug to reduce pains and to minimize the duration of the pain. So possibly, consuming peppermint tea may also reduce menstrual cramps. However, the study on peppermint tea is limited in this case, but alternative compounds have shown proven results.

Improve Your Sleep

If you want to relax yourself and have a sound sleep, drink a cup of peppermint tea before going to bed. It is natural and contains no caffeine, which is ideally great for a good sound sleep. The natural property of muscle relaxation in peppermint makes it all the more beneficial to drink it before bedtime. However, there are contradictory studies in this regard. But you can always drink a cup of it to relax your muscles before you sleep.

Aids in Weight Loss

Are you trying to lose a few pounds? Try drinking a cup of peppermint tea every day. Doctors around the world have said that drinking peppermint tea keeps you full for long. This curbs frequent cravings which results in losing calories daily. So, eventually peppermint tea aids in weight loss.

Fight Foodborne Bacteria

Peppermint kills Staphylococcus aureus, a type of bacteria that stimulates skin infections, meningitis, pneumonia and many more ailments. Researchers have tested peppermint oil on few bacteria like listeria, salmonella and E. coli and have got positive results in preventing them from growing.

Calm Seasonal Allergies

Peppermint tea benefits you during the allergy season. It contains a compound known as rosmarinic acid that lowers the histamine reaction within the body. These histamine reactions can cause a blocked nasal cavity, sneezing and red-irritated-itchy eyes. So, you can have a cup of peppermint tea and easily have an outdoor picnic without worrying about your allergies.

Sharpen Your Focus

Research showed that there was improved mental stress in many people after consuming peppermint extract capsules. However, peppermint tea can boost your memory power and keep you very active and alert.

Promotes Healthy Skin and Hair

Do you know that peppermint can also keep your skin and hair healthy? A number of cosmetic products contain peppermint as their key ingredient to treat skin and hair. You can always use peppermint to a dry and scaly scalp to get rid of your dandruff and itchiness.

Here is a simple hack you can try at home. Apply some peppermint tea on your washed hair. Let it sit for around 10minutes and wash it off thoroughly. By doing this regularly you will find improved results.

As you already know, peppermint consists of anti-inflammatory properties, so they can reduce redness acne causes. Even, the antiseptic properties in peppermint prevent bacteria from blocking the pores, which can aggravate more acnes to occur. Further, peppermint soothes bug bite irritation and skin rashes too.

Easy to add to the diet

Peppermint tea has a refreshing and soothing taste that activates your taste buds. You can add peppermint tea easily to your diet. Either by just buying teabags or loose tea-leaves. You can also try your hands-on some home-grown fresh peppermint leaves.

Making peppermint tea is quick and easy. Just follow the steps and your exotic peppermint tea will be ready.

  • First, you need two cups of water. Bring it to boil.
  • Just turn the heat off and put in a handful of aromatic peppermint tea leaves.
  • Cover it with a lid and let the leaves infuse into the water for 5minutes.
  • Pour the tea through a strainer into your favorite cup and there you have your peppermint tea ready for you.

Since peppermint tea is caffeine-free, you can make yourself a cup at all times of the day. Whether it’s to boost your afternoon lethargy, or your after-meal indigestion, or just to simply relax after work.

Side Effects of Mint Tea and Who Should Avoid It

Everything comes with some pros and cons. Just like that, there are a few instances and minor risks you must keep in mind when peppermint tea is in your diet.  They are listed below:

People with Acid Reflux

If you happen to be someone who suffers a lot from acid refluxes or any other gastrointestinal problems like GERD, avoid peppermint tea or any other by-products of peppermint. Since peppermint relaxes the esophagus muscles, it blocks the bile flow and stomach acid into it. If you drink peppermint tea, the symptoms of indigestion and heartburn will aggravate.


Records show excessive tea consumption can lead to miscarriages. So, you need to keep a check on how much of tea you consume. Also, lactating mothers should avoid peppermint tea, oils or capsules, as infants may develop respiratory distress through breastfeeding.

Drug Interactions

Always keep in mind to consult your doctor to treat any ailments through peppermint tea. If you are on pre-existing medications, peppermint tea may react to the drugs you consume. It can also intensify the problems and lead to further complications.

Note: People on medications for diabetes, hypertension, gastrointestinal problems and more should consult the doctor before consuming peppermint tea or any by-products of peppermint.

Antibacterial properties in peppermint tea

Peppermint has antibacterial properties, which help to destroy harmful bacteria. Some studies have proven this fact too.

A study showed effective results when peppermint oil was mixed with pineapple juice, it killed bacteria like listeria, salmonella and Escherichia coli. But the results were negative when the essential oil was mixed with mango juice.

Studies also state that peppermint tea benefits mouth odor, by killing the bacteria through its antifungal and antibacterial properties.

How to Make the Perfect Peppermint Tea?

Grow your own peppermint plant at home and you can make fresh peppermint tea for yourself. It’s very simple and easy to make a cup of tea for yourself every day. Follow the instructions below and you’ll know exactly how to make it.

  1. Take a pan and boil two cups of water.
  2. Pluck about a handful of peppermint leaves.
  3. Add the leaves to the boiling water. (If you want it strong add a little more than a handful)
  4. Leave it to boil well for a few minutes. Turn the heat off and cover it with a lid. Let it steep well into the water for a good 5minutes.
  5. After that you can go ahead and strain into a mug. If you want some sweet flavor, add a spoon of honey. Always remember to add the honey after the tea is done. Do not boil the tea with the honey.

Right there you’ll have a mug full of goodness, which you can sip into. Ditch the milk tea every morning, and drink peppermint tea to remain healthy and fresh.

How long does it take for peppermint tea to work? (Add this heading)

According to most researchers, peppermint tea works within ‘minutes.’ In fact, people who drink it to freshen themselves of sinus headaches or clogged noses get relief within a span of 10-20 minutes. So, the moment you take a whiff of the cooling scent that it provides – you are bound to feel better. 

For those asking how long does it take for peppermint tea to work for people with digestive issues(specifically bloating), the answer is 30-60 minutes. If you have issues with your sleep, you can also drink a cup of tea post-dinner. It will relax your muscles and help in inducing sleep. In that case, also, it takes close to 15-20 minutes for the effects of the tea to kick in. 

Thus, on the whole – the benefits of this tea are accrued to the concerned people within a span of 60 minutes maximum. 

Frequently Ask Questions 

Q1: What are the benefits of drinking peppermint tea?

Ans:Drinking peppermint tea offers several benefits, including soothing digestive discomfort, alleviating headaches, promoting relaxation, freshening breath, and providing antioxidant properties.

Q2: Does peppermint tea help with digestion?

Ans: Yes, peppermint tea is known to have beneficial effects on digestion. It can help relieve symptoms of indigestion, bloating, and stomach discomfort by relaxing the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.

Q3:Can peppermint tea help with headaches?

Ans: Peppermint tea may assist in relieving headaches and migraines. The menthol present in peppermint has muscle relaxant properties that can help ease tension and alleviate headache symptoms.

Q4: Does peppermint tea have a calming effect?

Ans:Yes, peppermint tea has a natural calming effect. It can help relax the mind and body, reducing stress and promoting a sense of tranquility. Enjoying a cup of peppermint tea before bed may also aid in improving sleep quality.

Q5: Are there any antioxidant benefits to drinking peppermint tea?

Ans:  While there have been cases of young mothers around the world, none have surpassed the record of Lina Medina. It remains an extraordinary and unique occurrence in medical history.

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