Black Widow is the extremely anticipated stand-alone film focusing on Natasha Romanoff’s blood-stained past. The film takes place within the 2-years gap between Captain America: War and Avengers: Infinity War.
It additionally explains, however, Marvel will do a Black Widow film the first time, considering Romanoff sacrifices herself to confirm the Avengers will secure the Soul Stone in an attempt to take down Thanos.
Although this is often the first trailer released to the general public, a lengthier version was shown off at Disney’s biennial D23 fan convention in August. The trailer targeted on Romanoff’s trip to Budapest, a location that Clint Barton (Hawkeye) documented multiple times in varied Avengers movies, as well as Endgame.
This trailer contains a powerful scene between Romanoff and a lady named Yelena Belova. Belova becomes the second Black Widow within the comics’ series and states as Romanoff’s sister within the trailer.
Fans have waited an extended time for a Black Widow stand-alone film. Marvel Studios Chief Kevin Feige initial mentioned that conversation a couple of stand-alone black widow film was in progress back in 2010, following the release of Iron Man 2 and simply before 2012’s The Avengers.
Johansson’s black widow created her entry in Iron Man 2 as Pepper Potts’ assistant-turned-lethal-assassin-and-SHIELD-spy. And she will develop the role more in The Avengers. Feige and different Marvel executives reiterated throughout the years. Each company and Johansson are interested in doing a derivative film. However, nothing was formally declared until 2018.
Johansson is one of the last original Avengers to receive a solo project. Black Widow can mark the start of Marvel Studios’ part four once it will release on 1st May 2020. The Eternals can follow on 6th November.